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Bio-Shock Indoor Air Quality

We eliminate allergy and asthma triggers, creating healthier environments. With our focused approach on air and surfaces, we ensure a safe space for everyone. Trust us to help you breathe and live better!

We find out what your problems are and make them disappear for good. This is a combination of our services to guarantee feeling better and staying healthy. Not only do we clean to extremes, we also provide solutions to keep it that way when we are gone!!!!


 Indoor Air Contaminants Damage More than Respiratory Health

The range of indoor air pollutants includes VOCs, phthalates, PBDEs, mold, pollen, pet dander, radon, and more. Most of these qualify as fine or ultrafine particulate matter. Particles like these are easily inhaled and can pass into the bloodstream, and some can even cross the blood-brain barrier. Dry eyes, headaches, nasal congestion, fatigue, and even nausea are common symptoms. Health problems such as asthma, lung infections, or even lung cancer have been linked to exposure. Particles which enter the bloodstream have been associated with stroke and depression in adults, and children have shown increased systemic inflammation, immune dysfunction, and neural distress. Bio-Shock can detect these particles and get rid of them for good.


Who Is at Risk From Harmful Effects of Poor Indoor Air?

In truth, everyone is at risk of exposure to indoor contaminants. Those who spend more time indoors or have particularly weak immune systems are more susceptible to the adverse long-term effects of pollution. Poor indoor air quality is a major trigger for asthma and allergies, as well as a cause of asthma, particularly in younger people. Most of us spend a lot of time in our homes and that’s become even more the case in recent times. Yet few of us have a detailed understanding of the quality of the air that we breathe indoors. It may contain pollutants and toxins that cause or aggravate asthma and allergies. Let us check it out!!!


Why Our Process Is Important

​Air quality has been a hot-button topic with the recent pandemic. While many people may have opinions on what product or service they believe is best for their air, it’s important to keep in mind that there are no one-size-fits-all solutions. Everyone’s needs will be different based on factors such as the number of occupants living at one residence, pet ownership status and medical conditions. Even how much time you spend outdoors can affect your decision. That’s why we go to such great lengths to ensure proper diagnosis and assessments are being done before offering solutions.


We provide assessments with rigorous and proven methodologies to IAQ. 

Full spectrum indoor air quality testing

Current cleaners and disinfectants used

HVAC systems and air filters

High touch locations

Preventative measures

ATP testing

Radon testing

CO2 testing

Moisture testing

Thermal Imaging

We additionally offer hydroxyl generating air purification products, MERV 13 air filtration products, personalized IAQ certification programs and protocols for the continual advancement of IAQ and building hygiene.


As a home or business owner, you want to know that the people in your space are safe from particulates, airborne bacteria, viruses, mold spores, and odor.​


How Can Indoor Air Quality Be Improved To Reduce Triggers?

1. Ventilation

There are many ways to ventilate your home for improved indoor air quality. Most homeowners choose the natural route which includes opening windows and doors to create a cross breeze. Spot ventilation is another helpful solution which includes the use of range hoods, exhaust fans and the like. This method usually works best in small areas such as the bathroom and kitchen spaces.

Finally, there’s mechanical ventilation. Energy recovery ventilators and heat recovery ventilators are two mechanical ventilation systems that are energy-efficient and cost-effective. They provide more powerful and consistent fresh air ventilation which is beneficial for those with moderate or severe asthma.   

2. Protected Filtration

An air filter is your first line of defense. That’s why it’s important to choose the right air filter. We highly, highly recommend MERV 13 air filters because they capture 100% of larger particles and more than 85% of smaller particles. And, they do so without restricting airflow. By capturing dust, dander, pollen, mold spores and other air pollutants, you are less likely to experience negative symptoms associated with asthma and allergies.

Secondly, we coat filters with our patented Goldshield to kill anything collected on the filter immediately and stop it from growing. Overall indoor air quality is improved and you are able to breathe freely with this simple solution.    

3. Surface and Air Disinfection (HVAC system included)

Disinfecting surfaces and the air brings your home to a clean base to work from. Improving IAQ reduces airborne and surface contaminants and pathogens quickly and effectively.

The HVAC system is what we consider the lungs of the home.  Air moving through your ductwork should not be adding pollution to your home. Remember, it's not just trees and grasses that can wreak havoc with your allergy/asthma; the air quality inside your home can also trigger symptoms. If you have pets, pollen, dust, or mold spores being circulated throughout your rooms, life can be uncomfortable indeed. Luckily, there are simple ways to allergy/asthma-proof your home, and they begin and end with your HVAC system. Heating and cooling systems do more than just adjust room temperature, they can be a first-line defense for anyone in your home who suffers from asthma or allergies.

4. Source Control

When it comes to indoor air quality, the offense is just as important as the defense. In order to play an offensive role, you must find the sources of air pollution in your home and eliminate them to the best of your ability. For example, if your gas stove is a significant source, turn on the range hood, open windows and doors or invest in an electric stove. The disinfection also removes many triggers. Taking steps to minimize exposure to allergy/asthma triggers in the first place is the ideal solution.


Many potential allergy/asthma triggers can be found inside your home and at work, but with the proper measures they can be controlled. A trigger is a substance, environmental factor or physical condition that causes asthma symptoms. Many people can have more than one trigger and triggers can vary from person to person. Some triggers that can be found in the air that you breathe include dust, pet dander, strong odors and chemicals, and smoke, including from cigarettes and fireplaces or even candles, plugins, etc.


Indoor Air Quality Facts To Consider

Effects from indoor air pollutants may be experienced soon after exposure or, possibly, years later.

  • EPA states that air in our homes can be seventy times more polluted than outdoor air

  • EPA also states that 30% to 50% of the structures we live in are damp enough to encourage growth and buildup of biological pollutants

  • The number of children with asthma has doubled since 1980

  • People may be potentially exposed to several indoor air quality contaminants for extended periods of time

  • One in Fourteen has asthma

  • Due to a Smaller Lung Capacity, Women and Children Suffer Twice as much as Men

  • 50 million Americans suffer from allergic reactions to airborne allergens

  • 100% of chronic sinusitis is due to poor indoor air quality

  • One in Six suffer from allergies due to fungi and/or bacteria in the air they breathe at home

  • Levels of organisms found in our homes can be two to fives times greater than outdoors

Bio-Shock Indoor Air Quality


U.S. Data


  • Percent of adults aged 18 and over who currently have asthma: 7.7% (2022)

  • Percent of children under age 18 years who currently have asthma: 5.8% (2020)

Physician office visits

  • Annual number of office visits for asthma: 5.8 million

  • Percent of visits to office-based physician with asthma indicated on the medical record: 5.9%

Emergency department visits

  • Number of emergency department visits with asthma as a primary diagnosis: 1.6 million


  • Number of deaths: 4,145

  • Deaths per 100,000 population: 1.3


Allergies and Hay Fever

U.S, Data

Morbidity: Adults aged 18 and over

  • Number with diagnosed hay fever in the past 12 months: 19.2 million

  • Percent with diagnosed hay fever in the past 12 months: 7.7%

Morbidity: Children under age 18 years

  • Number with reported hay fever in the past 12 months: 5.2 million

  • Percent with reported hay fever in the past 12 months: 7.2%

  • Number with reported respiratory allergies in the past 12 months: 7.1 million

  • Percent with reported respiratory allergies in the past 12 months: 9.6%

Bio-Shock Indoor Air Quality
Bio-Shock Indoor Air Quality
Bio-Shock Indoor Air Quality
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